Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Dept. of Blondes-With-Big-Bangers

Hooters with six-shooters

Not only the ammo was in large caliber when the Swedish Bikini Team did take a day off at the firing-range. They was doing a real tag-round.

The girls have had a though training since they are in the movie-biz and of course there are something thrilling with curved blondes with big guns...

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Dept. of Law-And-Order

Cop slept in the patrolcar

At a accidentsite in Sweden the police was closing down the road with his car.

But he was sort of tired and fell asleep and when a withstander went to ask what had happened he found the cop in deep sleep with the lights on. (swedish article)

Friday, February 20, 2004

Dept. of Cleaning-Out-The-Closet

The 100 CDs one can live without

They surely have done a intense job the guys at jaguaro.org when they have put together the ultimate list of records one can live without.

There are some entries that are somewhat surprising and some that make me wanna shoot the site down. But the Net is free and so are the taste in music.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Dept. of Anti-Revlon

This is the uncolored truth

Linda Evangelista, the hyper-super-duper-diva-model of the eighties didn't expect that a picture like this should be able for anyone to download. But at DeansPlanet.Com there are all those pics of the celebs which they probably would wish been burnt in an accidential fire.

Sorry, babe. This is the Internet-era.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Dept. of Useful-Skills

Blow your fruits

So here's the story: We are three nerds (Isaac, Damon, and Reid). Upon Damon's return from MIT to our native quaint mountain village of Ashland, Oregon during winter break, he decided that the BASIC micro-controller he had just procured should be used in a high-speed flash photography lab. This was something Damon and Isaac had considered before, but not very seriously. Anyway, for this we also needed something moving or changing very fast, so we decided to build a bolt gun. Of course, bolt guns aren't very fun unless you can see, in great detail, the object they are hitting explode, so these two projects seemed like a match made in nerd heaven. With the aforementioned micro-controller, we simply had no choice but to build a flash timing mechanism to capture images of hot bolt-on-food action.

I totally adore the last sentence: "we simply had no choice but to build a flash timing mechanism to capture images of hot bolt-on-food action"

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Dept. of Tech-Intifada

Three blind phreaks

"Three blind mice See how they run! They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails, With a carving knife. Did you ever see such a thing in your life, As three blind mice.".

These three blind lads are blind and have used the Israelii telephonelines to phreak and got the Palestinians a fake telco company and made somewhat $2 mil. They have taken as their lifes devotion that they shall out-hack, out-think everyone with vision. But caught when stealing numbers of credit-cards and trying to hack into the Israeli-army's radiolinks.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Dept. of Hacking-The-Good-Way

Hack the devil's machine

What if you´re a born-again wiz-kid, a g33k saved from hell or simply born-into-the-church-scriptkiddie? Of course you join the Christian Hackers' Association. And since you probably is a right-wing white trash you can't understand why there should be wrong to break the law of copyright, taking over virtual estates and gate-crashing digital properties?

Is there maybe Atheist Hackers Association somewhere, or Hackers For Buddha? Why not start The Native Hacker Front or the Lappish Hacking for Reindeer Rights?

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Dept. of Old-Emailers-Inc.

Granny a hardcore spammer

"An Ohio woman whose credit card fraud schemes began to unravel when she unwittingly spammed an off-duty FBI computer crime agent pleaded guilty to a federal conspiracy charge Tuesday, and potentially faces years in prison." the
SecurityFocus writes. What to say: bad luck.

The 55 year old Helen Carr was a email-scammer and how many people she had plished noone knows but probably several. In a big hunt for a lot of scammers the FBI later had her co-plishers to snitch her as a ringleader of the scam-gang.

"The so-called "phishing" scams have developed as a popular technique for fraudsters to swindle people out of everything from PayPal accounts to ATM codes. In recent months the already-generous flow of fraudulent e-mails purporting to be from PayPal, eBay and Citibank were joined by a fresh influx of junk mail bearing the false imprimaturs of stalwart British institutions like Halifax, NatWest, Barclays, and Lloyds TSB. Last month a particularly bold variant on the scheme directed netizens to a fake FBI anti-fraud website that prompted them for their debit or credit card numbers and PINs." No wonder why the feds got sour and hunted them down.

And the last question leaving me when reading this is: what happened to the grandmas who made buns and always had a glass of milk?

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Dept. of Choosing-The-Wrong-Date

Setup by female g33k

One year LaShawn Pettus-Brown had been on the run from the law, wanted on charges for wire fraud after haven't done what he was contracted to do for the city of Cincinnatti.

And finally in New York his luck ran out, meeting a date who was somewhat suspicious and Google-savvy. She did some quick research on the date she was supposed to meet for dinner and a movie and found out that the potential lover was wanted for more than a date and some rolling in the hay.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Dept. of Hotlinking

Don't link to us!

"Chicago Mercantile Exchange demands a written license agreement from everyone who uses a link to CME's web site -- as far as I can tell, that includes anyone who merely clicks on a link to the site. (If you don't believe me, read the CME Web Site Terms and Conditions. Those terms describe hyperlinks to CME's web site as "brand features" that may be used only as explicitly licensed by CME -- "All specific uses of any CME Brand Features must be approved in advance by CME." The license may be requested by telephone or mail, and CME says it typically responds within 10 business days.)"

A blog telling the most stupid restricting policies of hyperlinking. There's somewhat a totally chock to read how bizniz' is trying to control people's use of the <a href>-code. Not only idiotic - it's really a crime against the whole idea of Internet.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Dept. of Toy-And-Art

Nude Barbie in the mixer

An artist named Forsythe have used Barbiedolls in nude positions at somewhat strange situations: in the mixer or in a Martini-glass. And of course did Mattel sue him - nothing else was to expect. They meant that the pics was infringing their copyright. The big brand is a little bit annoyed when using their expensive best-selling doll in ways they didn't think it should be.

But the judge dismissed the case on the ground of First Amendment. The photos is ruled to be a parody and that Mattel's advertising isn't infringed.

The case's history is starting back in 1999 when Forsythe first released his art since his idea was to show that "Barbie is the most enduring of those products that feed on the insecurities of our beauty and perfection-obsessed consumer culture".